Software of the Month Club 2000 October
Software of the Month - Ultimate Collection Shareware 277.iso
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xlock - Locks the local X display until a password is
xxlloocckk [ --hheellpp ] [ --vveerrssiioonn ] [ --rreessoouurrcceess ] [ --ddiissppllaayy
_d_i_s_p_l_a_y_n_a_m_e ] [ --vviissuuaall _v_i_s_u_a_l_n_a_m_e ] [ --nnaammee _r_e_s_o_u_r_c_e_n_a_m_e
] [ --mmooddee _m_o_d_e_n_a_m_e ] [ --ddeellaayy _u_s_e_c_s ] [ --bbaattcchhccoouunntt _n_u_m ]
[ --ccoouunntt _n_u_m ] [ --ccyycclleess _n_u_m ] [ --nnccoolloorrss _n_u_m ] [ --ssiizzee
_n_u_m ] [ --ssaattuurraattiioonn _v_a_l_u_e ] [ --eerraasseemmooddee _m_o_d_e_n_a_m_e ] [
--eerraasseeddeellaayy _u_s_e_c_s ] [ --//++aalllloowwaacccceessss ] [ --//++vvttlloocckk ] [
--//++nnoolloocckk ] [ --//++iinnwwiinnddooww ] [ --//++iinnrroooott ] [ --//++rreemmoottee ] [
--//++mmoonnoo ] [ --//++aalllloowwrroooott ] [ --//++ddeebbuugg ] [ --//++eecchhookkeeyyss ] [
--//++eennaabblleessaavveerr ] [ --//++rreesseettssaavveerr ] [ --//++ggrraabbmmoouussee ] [
--//++ggrraabbsseerrvveerr ] [ --//++iinnssttaallll ] [ --//++mmoouusseemmoottiioonn ] [
--//++ssoouunndd ] [ --//++ttiimmeeeellaappsseedd ] [ --//++uusseeffiirrsstt ] [ --//++vveerrbboossee
] [ --nniiccee _l_e_v_e_l ] [ --lloocckkddeellaayy _s_e_c_o_n_d_s ] [ --ttiimmeeoouutt _s_e_c_¡
_o_n_d_s ] [ --ffoonntt _f_o_n_t_n_a_m_e ] [ --ppllaannffoonntt _f_o_n_t_n_a_m_e ] [ --bbgg
_c_o_l_o_r ] [ --ffgg _c_o_l_o_r ] [ --bbaacckkggrroouunndd _c_o_l_o_r ] [ --ffoorreeggrroouunndd
_c_o_l_o_r ] [ --uusseerrnnaammee _s_t_r_i_n_g ] [ --ppaasssswwoorrdd _s_t_r_i_n_g ] [ --iinnffoo
_s_t_r_i_n_g ] [ --vvaalliiddaattee _s_t_r_i_n_g ] [ --iinnvvaalliidd _s_t_r_i_n_g ] [ --ggeeoomm¡¡
eettrryy _g_e_o_m ] [ --iiccoonnggeeoommeettrryy _g_e_o_m ] [ --ggllggeeoommeettrryy _g_e_o_m ] [
--//++ffuullllrraannddoomm ] [ --//++wwiirreeffrraammee ] [ --//++uussee33dd ] [ --ddeellttaa33dd
_v_a_l_u_e ] [ --nnoonnee33dd _c_o_l_o_r ] [ --rriigghhtt33dd _c_o_l_o_r ] [ --lleefftt33dd
_c_o_l_o_r ] [ --bbootthh33dd _c_o_l_o_r ] [ --pprrooggrraamm _p_r_o_g_r_a_m_n_a_m_e ] [ --mmeess¡¡
ssaaggeessffiillee _f_o_r_m_a_t_t_e_d_-_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e ] [ --mmeessssaaggeeffiillee _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e ] [
--mmeessssaaggee _s_t_r_i_n_g ] [ --mmeessssaaggeeffoonntt _f_o_n_t_n_a_m_e ] [ --bbiittmmaapp
_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e ] [ --nneeiigghhbboorrss _n_u_m ] [ --//++mmoouussee ] [ --ccppaasssswwdd
_c_r_y_p_t_e_d_-_p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d ] [ --ffoorrcceeLLooggoouutt _m_i_n_u_t_e_s ] [ --llooggoouuttBBuutt¡¡
ttoonnLLaabbeell _t_e_x_t_s_t_r_i_n_g ] [ --llooggoouuttBBuuttttoonnHHeellpp _t_e_x_t_s_t_r_i_n_g ] [
--llooggoouuttFFaaiilleeddSSttrriinngg _t_e_x_t_s_t_r_i_n_g ] [ --//++ddttssaavveerr ] [ --mmoodd¡¡
uulleeppaatthh _p_a_t_h ] [ --lloocckkssoouunndd _s_t_r_i_n_g ] [ --iinnffoossoouunndd _s_t_r_i_n_g ]
[ --vvaalliiddssoouunndd _s_t_r_i_n_g ] [ --iinnvvaalliiddssoouunndd _s_t_r_i_n_g ] [
--ssttaarrttCCmmdd _s_t_r_i_n_g ] [ --eennddCCmmdd _s_t_r_i_n_g ] [ --llooggoouuttCCmmdd _s_t_r_i_n_g
xxlloocckk locks the X server till the user enters their pass¡
word at the keyboard. While xxlloocckk is running, all new
server connections are refused. The screen saver is dis¡
abled. The mouse cursor is turned off. The screen is
blanked and a changing pattern is put on the screen. If a
key or a mouse button is pressed then the user is prompted
for the password of the user who started xxlloocckk.
If the correct password is typed, then the screen is
unlocked and the X server is restored. When typing the
password Control-U and Control-H are active as kill and
erase respectively. To return to the locked screen, click
in the small icon version of the changing pattern.
In the lower part of the password screen a text is
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 1
displayed. This message is taken from the first file of
the following that exists: $HOME/.xlocktext, $HOME/.plan,
or $HOME/.signature.
On systems which support new BSD style authentication, the
password may be prefixed by an authentication style fol¡
lowed by a colon (i.e. "style:password"). See the
login.conf(5) for more information on authentication
_X_l_o_c_k should not be used on public terminals when there is
a high demand for them.
If you find a public terminal that has been locked by
another user and there are no other terminals available,
and the terminal appears to have been left idle for a
while (normally more than 15 minutes), it is fair to try
to reset the session in some manner.
Print options and a brief description to standard
Print version number (if >= 4.00) to standard output.
Print default resource file to standard output.
--ddiissppllaayy _d_i_s_p_l_a_y_n_a_m_e
The _d_i_s_p_l_a_y option sets the X11 display to lock.
xxlloocckk locks all available screens on a given server,
and restricts you to locking only a local server such
as uunniixx::00,, llooccaallhhoosstt::00,, or ::00 unless you set the
--rreemmoottee option.
--vviissuuaall _v_i_s_u_a_l_n_a_m_e
_v_i_s_u_a_l_n_a_m_e which is one of "StaticGray", "GrayScale",
"StaticColor", "PseudoColor", "TrueColor", "Direct¡
Color", or "default". default used to set the
screen's default visual (the visual of the root win¡
--nnaammee _r_e_s_o_u_r_c_e_n_a_m_e
_r_e_s_o_u_r_c_e_n_a_m_e is used instead of XXLLoocckk when looking
for resources to configure xxlloocckk.
--mmooddee _m_o_d_e_n_a_m_e
As of this writing there are over 90 display modes
supported (plus one more for random selection of one
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 2
of these).
aanntt Shows Langton's and Turk's generalized ants.
Shows moving sharks/whales/dolphin. May not be
available depending on how it was configured.
bbaallll Shows bouncing balls.
bbaatt Shows bouncing flying bats.
bblloott Shows Rorschach's ink blot test.
Shows Mimi's bouboule of moving stars.
bboouunnccee Shows bouncing footballs.
bbrraaiidd Shows random braids and knots.
bbuubbbbllee Shows popping bubbles.
Shows Richard Jones's GL bubbles. May not be
available depending on how it was configured.
bbuugg Shows Palmiter's bug evolution and a garden of
ccaarrttoooonn Shows bouncing cartoons. May not be available
depending on how it was configured.
cclloocckk Shows Packard's oclock.
ccoorraall Shows a coral reef.
ccrryyssttaall Shows polygons in 2D plane groups.
ddaaiissyy Shows a meadow of daisies.
ddcclloocckk Shows a floating digital clock.
ddeeccoo Shows art as ugly as sin.
ddeemmoonn Shows Griffeath's cellular automata.
ddiilleemmmmaa Shows Lloyd's Prisoner's Dilemma simulation.
Shows various discrete maps.
ddrriifftt Shows cosmic drifting flame fractals.
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 3
ccaaggee Shows the Impossible Cage, an Escher-like GL
scene. May not be available depending on how it
was configured.
eeyyeess Shows eyes following a bouncing grelb.
Shows a fading plot of sine squared.
ffllaagg Shows a waving flag of your operating system.
ffllaammee Shows cosmic flame fractals.
ffllooww Shows dynamic strange attractors.
ffoorreesstt Shows binary trees of a fractal forest.
ggaallaaxxyy Shows crashing spiral galaxies.
ggeeaarrss Shows GL's gears. May not be available depending
on how it was configured.
ggoooopp Shows goop from a lava lamp.
ggrraavv Shows orbiting planets.
hheelliixx Shows string art.
hhoopp Shows real plane iterated fractals.
hhyyppeerr Shows spinning n-dimensional hypercubes.
iiccoo Shows a bouncing polyhedron.
iiffss Shows a modified iterated function system.
iimmaaggee Shows randomly appearing logos.
jjuulliiaa Shows the Julia set.
kkaalleeiidd Shows Brewster's Kaleidoscope.
kkuummmmppaa Shows kumppa.
llaasseerr Shows spinning lasers.
lliiffee Shows Conway's game of life.
lliiffee11dd Shows Wolfram's game of 1D life.
lliiffee33dd Shows Bays' game of 3D life.
Shows Keith's fractal lightning bolts.
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 4
lliissaa Shows animated lissajous loops.
lliissssiiee Shows lissajous worms.
lloooopp Shows Langton's self-producing loops.
Shows mandelbrot sets.
mmaarrqquueeee Shows text.
mmaazzee Shows a random maze and a depth first search solu¡
mmooeebbiiuuss Shows the Moebius Strip II, an Escher-like GL
scene with ants. May not be available depending
on how it was configured.
mmoorrpphh33dd Shows GL morphing polyhedra. May not be available
depending on how it was configured.
Shows Papo's mountain range.
mmuunncchh Shows munching squares.
nnoossee Shows a man with a big nose runs around spewing
out text.
ppaaccmmaann Shows Pacman(tm).
ppiippeess Shows a self-building pipe system. May not be
available depending on how it was configured.
ppeennrroossee Shows Penrose's quasiperiodic tilings.
ppeettaall Shows various GCD Flowers.
ppuuzzzzllee Shows a puzzle being scrambled and then solved.
ppyyrroo Shows fireworks.
qqiixx Shows spinning lines a la Qix(tm).
rroollll Shows a rolling ball.
rroottoorr Shows Tom's Roto-Rooter.
rruubbiikk Shows an auto-solving Rubik's Cube. May not be
available depending on how it was configured.
sshhaappee Shows stippled rectangles, ellipses, and trian¡
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 5
Shows a Sierpinski's triangle.
sslliipp Shows slipping blits.
sspphheerree Shows a bunch of shaded spheres.
ssppiirraall Shows a helical locus of points.
sspplliinnee Shows colorful moving splines.
Shows Sproingies! Nontoxic. Safe for pets and
small children. May not be available depending on
how it was configured.
ssttaaiirrss Shows Infinite Stairs, an Escher-like GL scene.
May not be available depending on how it was con¡
ssttaarr Shows a star field with a twist.
Shows starfish.
ssttrraannggee Shows strange attractors.
Shows 3D mathematical shapes. May not be avail¡
able depending on how it was configured.
sswwaarrmm Shows a swarm of bees following a wasp.
sswwiirrll Shows animated swirling patterns.
Shows an animated Bird in a Thorn Bush fractal
Shows a triangular mountain range.
ttuubbee Shows an animated tube.
ttuurrttllee Shows turtle fractals.
vviinneess Shows fractal-like vines.
vvootteerrss Shows Dewdney's Voters.
wwaattoorr Shows Dewdney's Water-Torus planet of fish and
wwiirree Shows a random circuit with 2 electrons.
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 6
wwoorrlldd Shows spinning Earths.
wwoorrmm Shows wiggly worms.
bbllaannkk Shows nothing but a black screen. Does not show
up in random mode.
bboommbb Shows a bomb and will autologout after a time.
Does not show up in random mode and may be avail¡
able depending on how it was configured.
rraannddoomm Shows a random mode from above except blank (and
--ddeellaayy _u_s_e_c_s
The _d_e_l_a_y option sets the speed at which a mode will
operate. It simply sets the number of microseconds
to delay between batches of animations. In blank
mode, it is important to set this to some small num¡
ber of seconds, because the keyboard and mouse are
only checked after each delay, so you cannot set the
delay too high, but a delay of zero would needlessly
consume cpu checking for mouse and keyboard input in
a tight loop, since blank mode has no work to do.
--ccoouunntt _n_u_m
The _b_a_t_c_h_c_o_u_n_t option sets number of _t_h_i_n_g_s to do per
batch to _n_u_m _.
In ant mode this refers the number of ants.
In atlantis mode it is the number of sharks.
In ball mode it is the number of balls.
In bat mode it is the number of bats, could be less
because of conflicts.
In blot mode this refers to the number of pixels ren¡
dered in the same color.
In bouboule mode it is the number of stars.
In bounce mode it is the number of balls, could be
less because of conflicts.
In braid mode it is the upper bound number of
In bubble mode it is the number of bubbles.
In bubble3d mode it is the number of bubbles.
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 7
In bug mode it is the number of bugs, could be less
because of conflicts.
In cage mode it is means nothing.
In cartoon mode it means nothing.
In clock mode it is the percentage of the screen, but
less than 100%.
In coral mode it is the number of seeds.
In crystal mode it is the number of polygons.
In daisy mode it is the number flowers that make a
In dclock mode it means nothing.
In deco mode it is the depth.
In demon mode this refers the number of colors.
In dilemma mode this refers the number of initial
In discrete mode it is the number of points.
In drift mode it is the number of levels to recurse
(larger = more complex).
In eyes mode it is the number of eyes.
In fadeplot mode it is the number of steps.
In flag mode it means nothing.
In flame mode it is the number of levels to recurse
(larger = more complex).
In flow mode it is the number of bees.
In forest mode it is the number trees that make a
In galaxy mode it means the number of galaxies.
In gears mode it is the number of degrees to rotate
the set of gears by.
In goop mode it is the number of blobs per plane.
In grav mode it is the number of planets.
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 8
In helix mode it means nothing.
In hop mode this refers to the number of pixels ren¡
dered in the same color.
In hyper mode it the number of dimensions.
In ico mode it is the ith platonic solid.
In ifs mode it means nothing.
In image mode it means it is the number of logos on
screen at once.
In julia mode it is the depth of recursion.
In kaleid mode it is the number of pens.
In kumppa mode it means nothing.
In laser mode it is the number lasers.
In life mode it is the number of generations before a
glider is introduced.
In life1d mode it means nothing.
In life3d mode it is the number of generations before
a glider is introduced.
In lisa mode it is the number of loops.
In lissie mode it is the number of worms.
In loop mode it means nothing.
In mandelbrot mode it is the order.
In marquee mode it means nothing.
In maze mode it means nothing.
In moebius mode it is means nothing.
In morph3d mode it is the ith platonic solid.
In mountain mode it is the number of mountains.
In munch mode it means nothing.
In nose mode it means nothing.
In qix mode it is the number of points.
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 9
In pacman mode it means the number of ghosts.
In penrose mode it means nothing.
In petal mode it the greatest random number of
In pipes mode it shows different joints, 0 random, 1
spherical, 2 bolted elbow, 3 elbow, and 4 alternat¡
In puzzle mode it the number of moves.
In pyro mode it is the maximum number flying rockets
at one time.
In roll mode it is the number of points.
In rotor mode it is the number of rotor thingys which
In rubik mode it is the number of moves.
In shape mode it means nothing.
In sierpinski mode it is the number of points.
In slip mode it means nothing.
In sphere mode it means nothing.
In spiral mode it is the number of spirals.
In spline mode it is the number of points "splined".
In sproingies mode it is the number of sproingies.
In stairs mode it is means nothing.
In star mode it is the number of stars on the screen
at once.
In starfish mode it means nothing.
In strange mode it means nothing.
In superquadrics mode its the number of horizontal
and vertical lines in the superquadric.
In swirl mode it means the number of "knots".
In swarm mode it is the number of bees.
In thornbird mode it is the number of points.
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 10
In triangular mode it is the number of mountains.
In tube mode it is a rectangle (= 1), an ellipse (=
2), or a polygon if greater.
In turtle mode it means nothing.
In vines mode it is draw a complete vine (= 0) or a
portion (= 1).
In voters mode it means the number of parties, 2 or
In wator mode it means the breed time for the fish.
In wire mode it means the length of the circuit.
In world mode it is the number of worlds.
In worm mode it is the number of worms.
In blank mode it means nothing.
In bomb mode it means the number of minutes to autol¡
A negative _c_o_u_n_t allows for randomness. The range
from the minimum allowed nonnegative _c_o_u_n_t for a par¡
ticular mode to the ABS( _c_o_u_n_t ) (or maximum allowed
_c_o_u_n_t , whichever is less).
--bbaattcchhccoouunntt _n_u_m
The _b_a_t_c_h_c_o_u_n_t option is depreciated but should still
work as _c_o_u_n_t_.
--ccyycclleess _n_u_m
The _c_y_c_l_e_s option sets the number of cycles until
time out for ant, blot, braid, bug, clock, crystal,
daisy, deco, demon, dilemma, discrete, eyes, flag,
flow, forest, galaxy, helix, hop, hyper, ico, laser,
life, life1d, life3d, lisa, lissie, loop, mandelbrot,
mountain, petal, sierpinski, shape, spline +erase,
thornbird, triangle, tube, voters, wator, and wire.
For worm it is the length of the lines, for atlantis
it is the shark speed, for fadeplot, julia and spiral
it is the length of the trail of dots, munch it is
the minimum size of the squares, for kaleid it is the
% of black, for qix it is the number of lines, for
spline -erase it means the number of splines * 64
(for compatibility with +erase), for gears it is the
number of degrees to increment the spin of each gear
by, for pipes it is the number of systems to draw
before clearing the screen, for rubik it is the num¡
ber of steps to complete a 90 move, for superquadrics
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 11
it is the number of frames it takes to morph from one
shape to another. For others it means nothing.
--ssiizzee _n_u_m
The _s_i_z_e option sets the size maximum size of a star
in bouboule, pyro and star, size of ball in ball and
bounce, size of bat in bat, maximum size of bubble in
bubble, size of clock in clock, minimum size of rect¡
angles in deco, size of the polygon in crystal, size
of polyhedron in ico, size of lissie in lissie, size
of dots of flag, for kaleid it is the symmetry, width
of maze hallway, size of side of penrose tile, radius
of loop in lisa, radius of ball in roll, number of
corners in sierpinski, size of tube in tube, width of
worm in worm, line width in rotor, size of cells in
ant, bug, dilemma, life, life1d, pacman, voters,
wator, and wire. In pipes it is the maximum length
of a system. In atlantis it is the shark size. In
sproingies it is the size of the screen. A negative
number allows for randomness, similar to _c_o_u_n_t_.
--nnccoolloorrss _n_u_m
The _n_c_o_l_o_r_s option sets the maximum number of colors
to be used.
--ssaattuurraattiioonn _v_a_l_u_e
The _s_a_t_u_r_a_t_i_o_n option sets saturation of the color
ramp used to _v_a_l_u_e _. 0 is grayscale and 1 is very
rich color. 0.4 is a nice pastel.
--eerraasseemmooddee _m_o_d_e_n_a_m_e
As of this writing there are over 9 erase modes sup¡
ported (if its not chosen its assumed random). The
erase modes are random_lines, random_squares, vene¡
tian, triple_wipe, quad_wipe, circle_wipe, three_cir¡
cle_wipe, squaretate, no_fade.
--eerraasseeddeellaayy _u_s_e_c_s
The _e_r_a_s_e_d_e_l_a_y option sets the number of microseconds
for steps of the eerraasseemmooddee (a setting of 0 and the
eerraasseemmooddee is bypassed).
The _n_o_l_o_c_k option causes xxlloocckk to only draw the pat¡
terns and not lock the display. A key press or a
mouse click will terminate the screen saver.
Runs xxlloocckk in a window, so that you can iconify,
move, or resize it and still use your screen for
other stuff. When running in a window, xxlloocckk no
longer locks your screen, it just looks good.
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 12
Runs xxlloocckk in your root window. Like the _i_n_w_i_n_d_o_w
option it no longer locks the screen, it just looks
The _r_e_m_o_t_e option tells xxlloocckk to not stop you from
locking remote X11 servers. This option should be
used with care and is intended mainly to lock X11
terminals which cannot run xxlloocckk locally. If you
lock someone else's workstation, they will have to
know yyoouurr password to unlock it. Using _+_r_e_m_o_t_e over¡
rides any resource derived values for _r_e_m_o_t_e and pre¡
vents xxlloocckk from being used to lock other X11
servers. (Use `+' instead of `-' to override
resources for other options that can take the `+'
modifier similarly.)
The _m_o_n_o option causes xxlloocckk to display monochrome,
(black and white) pixels rather than the default col¡
ored ones on color displays.
This option is required for servers which do not
allow clients to modify the host access control list.
It is also useful if you need to run x clients on a
server which is locked for some reason... When
_a_l_l_o_w_a_c_c_e_s_s is true, the X11 server is left open for
clients to attach and thus lowers the inherent secu¡
rity of this lock screen. A side effect of using
this option is that if xxlloocckk is killed -KILL, the
access control list is not lost.
This option is used on a XFree86 system to manage VT
switching... When _v_t_l_o_c_k is true, the VT switching
is disabled.
The _a_l_l_o_w_r_o_o_t option allows the root password to
unlock the server as well as the user who started
xxlloocckk. May not be able to turn this on and off
depending on your system and how xxlloocckk was config¡
Allows xxlloocckk to be debugged by doing all but locking
the screen.
The _e_c_h_o_k_e_y_s option causes xxlloocckk to echo '?' charac¡
ters for each key typed into the password prompt.
Some consider this a security risk, so the default is
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 13
to not echo anything.
By default xxlloocckk will disable the normal X server's
screen saver since it is in effect a replacement for
it. Since it is possible to set delay parameters
long enough to cause phosphor burn on some displays,
this option will turn back on the default screen
saver which is very careful to keep most of the
screen black.
By default xxlloocckk will call XResetScreenSaver. This
may be undesirable with DPMS monitors.
The _g_r_a_b_m_o_u_s_e option causes xxlloocckk to grab the mouse
and keyboard, this is the default. xxlloocckk can not
lock the screen without this.
The _g_r_a_b_s_e_r_v_e_r option causes xxlloocckk to grab the
server. This is not usually needed but some unsecure
X servers can be defeated without this.
Allows xxlloocckk to install its own colormap if xxlloocckk
runs out of colors. May not work on with some window
managers (fvwm) and does not work with the -inroot
Allows you to turn on and off the sensitivity to the
mouse to bring up the password window.
Allows you to turn on and off sound if installed with
the capability.
Allows you to find out how long a machine is locked
so you can complain to an administrator that someone
is hogging a machine.
The _u_s_e_f_i_r_s_t option causes xxlloocckk to use the keystroke
which got you to the password screen as the first
character in the password. The default is to ignore
the first key pressed.
Verbose mode, tells what options it is going to use.
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 14
--nniiccee _n_i_c_e_l_e_v_e_l
The _n_i_c_e option sets system nicelevel of the xxlloocckk
process to _n_i_c_e_l_e_v_e_l _.
--lloocckkddeellaayy _s_e_c_o_n_d_s
The _l_o_c_k_d_e_l_a_y option sets the number of _s_e_c_o_n_d_s
before the screen needs a password to be unlocked.
Good for use with an autolocking mechanism like xau¡
--ttiimmeeoouutt _s_e_c_o_n_d_s
The _t_i_m_e_o_u_t option sets the number of _s_e_c_o_n_d_s before
the password screen will time out.
--ffoonntt _f_o_n_t_n_a_m_e
The _f_o_n_t option sets the font to be used on the
prompt screen.
--ppllaannffoonntt _f_o_n_t_n_a_m_e
option sets the font to be used for the text that is
displayed in the lower part of the password screen.
--ffgg _c_o_l_o_r
The _f_g option sets the color of the text on the pass¡
word screen to _c_o_l_o_r _.
--bbgg _c_o_l_o_r
The _b_g option sets the color of the background on the
password screen to _c_o_l_o_r _.
--ffoorreeggrroouunndd _c_o_l_o_r
The _f_o_r_e_g_r_o_u_n_d option sets the color of the text on
the password screen to _c_o_l_o_r _.
--bbaacckkggrroouunndd _c_o_l_o_r
The _b_a_c_k_g_r_o_u_n_d option sets the color of the back¡
ground on the password screen to _c_o_l_o_r _.
--uusseerrnnaammee _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g is shown in front of user name, defaults
to "Name: ".
--ppaasssswwoorrdd _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g is the password prompt string, defaults
to "Password: ".
--iinnffoo _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g is an informational message to tell the
user what to do, defaults to "Enter password to
unlock; select icon to lock.".
--vvaalliiddaattee _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g is a message shown while validating the
password, defaults to "Validating login..."
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 15
--iinnvvaalliidd _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g is a message shown when password is
invalid, defaults to "Invalid login."
--ggeeoommeettrryy _g_e_o_m
The _g_e_o_m_e_t_r_y option sets _g_e_o_m the size and offset of
the lock window (normally the entire screen). The
entire screen format is still used for entering the
password. The purpose is to see the screen even
though it is locked. This should be used with cau¡
tion since many of the modes will fail if the windows
are far from square or are too small (size must be
greater than 0x0). This should also be used with
-enablesaver to protect screen from phosphor burn.
--iiccoonnggeeoommeettrryy _g_e_o_m
The _i_c_o_n_g_e_o_m_e_t_r_y option sets _g_e_o_m the size of the
iconic screen (normally 64x64) seen when entering the
password. This should be used with caution since
many of the modes will fail if the windows are far
from square or are too small (size must be greater
than 0x0). The greatest size is 256x256. There
should be some limit so users could see who has
locked the screen. Position information of icon is
--ggllggeeoommeettrryy _g_e_o_m
The _g_l_g_e_o_m_e_t_r_y option sets _g_e_o_m the size of the
screen for gl modes. Not normally available or
Turn on/off randomness options within modes. Not
implemented on all mode options.
Turn on/off wireframe, available on atlantis, daisy,
gears, life3d, mountain, sproingies, superquadrics,
and triangle.
Turn on/off 3d view, available on bouboule, pyro,
star, and worm.
--ddeellttaa33dd _v_a_l_u_e
Space between the center of your 2 eyes for 3d mode.
--nnoonnee33dd _c_o_l_o_r
Color used for empty size in 3d mode.
--rriigghhtt33dd _c_o_l_o_r
Color used for right eye in 3d mode.
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 16
--lleefftt33dd _c_o_l_o_r
Color used for left eye in 3d mode.
--bbootthh33dd _c_o_l_o_r
Color used for overlapping images for left and right
eye in 3d mode.
--pprrooggrraamm _p_r_o_g_r_a_m_n_a_m_e
The _p_r_o_g_r_a_m option sets the program to be used as the
fortune generator. Currently used only for marquee
and nose modes.
--mmeessssaaggeessffiillee _f_o_r_m_a_t_t_e_d_-_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e
The _m_e_s_s_a_g_e_s_f_i_l_e option sets the file to be used as
the fortune generator. The first entry is the number
of fortunes, the next line contains the first for¡
tune. Fortunes begin with a "%%" on a line by
itself. Currently used only for marquee and nose
modes. If one exists, it takes precedence over the
fortune program.
--mmeessssaaggeeffiillee _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e
The _m_e_s_s_a_g_e_f_i_l_e option sets the file whose contents
are displayed. Currently used only for marquee and
nose modes. If one exists, it takes precedence over
the fortune program and messagesfile.
--mmeessssaaggee _t_e_x_t_s_t_r_i_n_g
The _m_e_s_s_a_g_e option sets the text to be displayed in a
mode. Currently used only for flag, marquee and nose
modes. If one exists, it takes precedence over the
fortune program, messagesfile and message.
--mmeessssaaggeeffoonntt _f_o_n_t_n_a_m_e
The _m_e_s_s_a_g_e_f_o_n_t option sets the font to be used in
the mode. Currently used only for flag, marquee, and
nose modes.
--bbiittmmaapp _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e
The _b_i_t_m_a_p option sets the xbm, xpm, or ras file to
be displayed with flag, image, life, life1d, maze, or
puzzle mode. For eyes and pacman only a xbm file is
accepted. Certain modes reject the bitmap if too
--nneeiigghhbboorrss _n_u_m
The _n_e_i_g_h_b_o_r_s option sets the number of neighbors of
a cell to 3, 4, 6, 9 (may not have real mathematical
meaning), or 12 for several automata modes. Setting
it to 0 typically randomizes this, except in life
where it is set to 8.
Turn on and off mouse interaction in _e_y_e_s_, _j_u_l_i_a_, _a_n_d
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 17
2 MMOORREE OOPPTTIIOONNSS ((tthheessee mmaayy nnoott bbee aavvaaiillaabbllee))
--ccppaasssswwdd _c_r_y_p_t_e_d_-_p_a_s_s_w_o_r_d
The _c_p_a_s_s_w_d option sets the key to be this text
string to unlock xxlloocckk instead of password file.
--ffoorrcceeLLooggoouutt _m_i_n_u_t_e_s
The _f_o_r_c_e_L_o_g_o_u_t option sets _m_i_n_u_t_e_s to auto-logout.
--llooggoouuttBBuuttttoonnLLaabbeell _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g is a message shown inside logout button
when logout button is displayed. Defaults to
--llooggoouuttBBuuttttoonnHHeellpp _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g is a message shown outside logout button
when logout button is displayed. Defaults to "Click
the \"Logout\" button to log out current\n user and
make workstation available."
--llooggoouuttFFaaiilleeddSSttrriinngg _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g is a message shown when a logout is
attempted and fails. Defaults to "Logout attempt
FAILED.\n Current user could not be automatically
logged out."
Turn on/off CDE Saver Mode. This option is only
available if CDE support was compiled in.
--mmoodduulleeppaatthh _p_a_t_h
The _m_o_d_u_l_e_p_a_t_h option sets the _d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_i_e_s that xxlloocckk
searches for mode modules to load. It is a colon
separated list of directories to search. If "%S" is
included in the path, it is replaced by the default
modulepath. To add a private module directory to the
default path, use something like '%S:~/mymoduledir'
as the path. This option is only available if module
support was compiled in.
--lloocckkssoouunndd _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g references sound to use at lock time.
Default sound, male voice: "Thank you, for your coop¡
--iinnffoossoouunndd _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g references sound to use for information.
Default sound, male voice: "Identify please."
--vvaalliiddssoouunndd _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g references sound to when a password is
valid. Default sound, female voice: "Complete."
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 18
--iinnvvaalliiddssoouunndd _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g references sound to when a password is
invalid. Default sound, female voice: "I am not pro¡
grammed to give you that information."
--ssttaarrttCCmmdd _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g command to execute when the screen is
locked. Commonly used instructions include: "zaway".
This command, if still running when the screensaver
exist, will be killed.
--eennddCCmmdd _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g command to execute when the screen is
--llooggoouuttCCmmdd _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g command to execute when the program logs
the user out (either via the autologout or by press¡
ing the logout button).
--mmaaiillCCmmdd _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g command to execute when the program to
check mail.
--mmaaiillIIccoonn _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g of file for the "mail arrived" bitmap.
--nnoommaaiillIIccoonn _s_t_r_i_n_g
Text _s_t_r_i_n_g of file for the "no mail" bitmap.
--ddppmmssssttaannddbbyy sseeccoonnddss
Allows one to set DPMS Standby for monitor (0 is
defined as infinite). (Horizontal sync on, Vertical
sync off, RGB guns off, power supply on, tube fila¡
ments energized, (screen saver mode). Typical 17
inch screen... 110 out of 120 watts with a 3 sec
recovery time.) This option is only available if
DPMS support was compiled in.
--ddppmmssssuussppeenndd sseeccoonnddss
Allows one to set DPMS Suspend for monitor (0 is
defined as infinite). (Horizontal sync off, Vertical
sync on, RGB guns off, power supply off, tube fila¡
ments energized. Typical 17 inch screen ... 15 out
of 120 watts with a 3 sec recovery time.) This
option is only available if DPMS support was compiled
--ddppmmssooffff sseeccoonnddss
Allows one to set DPMS Power Off for monitor (0 is
defined as infinite). (Horizontal sync off, Vertical
sync off, Small auxiliary circuit stays on to monitor
the HS/VS signals to enable power on when data needs
to be displayed on the screen. Typical 17 inch
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 19
screen ... 5 out of 120 watts with a 10 sec recovery
time.) This option is only available if DPMS support
was compiled in.
--wwhhaalleessppeeeedd _n_u_m
Allows one to set the speed of the whales and dolphin
in _a_t_l_a_n_t_i_s_.
Turn on and off Truchet lines (trail) in _a_n_t_.
Turn on and off having the bubbles bubble up in _b_u_b_¡
--nnxx _n_u_m
Allows one to set the number of unit cells in x-
direction in _c_r_y_s_t_a_l_.
--nnyy _n_u_m
Allows one to set the number of unit cells in y-
direction in _c_r_y_s_t_a_l_.
Turn on and off the centering on screen in _c_r_y_s_t_a_l_.
Turn on and off the centering on screen in _c_r_y_s_t_a_l_.
Turn on and off the drawing of unit cell in _c_r_y_s_t_a_l_.
Turn on and off the drwing of grid of unit cells (if
-cell is on) in _c_r_y_s_t_a_l_.
Turn on and off colour cycling in _c_r_y_s_t_a_l_.
Turn on and off the tropical deforest
(hectares/acres) counter in _d_c_l_o_c_k_.
Turn on and off the population explosion counter in
--bboonnuuss _v_a_l_u_e
Allows one to set the bonus for cheating... between
1.0 and 4.0 in _d_i_l_e_m_m_a_.
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 20
Turn off and on garden look in _d_a_i_s_y_.
Turn off and on self-awareness in _d_i_l_e_m_m_a_.
Turn on and off growing fractals (else they are ani¡
mated) for _d_r_i_f_t_.
Turn on and off using lissajous figures to get points
for _d_r_i_f_t_.
Turn off and on ants in _m_o_e_b_i_u_s_.
Turn on and off solid Mobius strip in _m_o_e_b_i_u_s_.
Turn on and off inverting of the _f_l_a_g_.
Turn on and off star tracks in _g_a_l_a_x_y_.
Turn on and off decaying orbits for _g_r_a_v_.
Turn on and off decaying trail of dots for _g_r_a_v_.
Turn on and off ellipse format in _h_e_l_i_x_.
Turn on and off Barry Martin's square root _h_o_p_.
--//++ppooppccoorrnn Turn on and off Clifford A. Pickover's
popcorn _h_o_p_.
Turn on and off Ed J. Kubaitis' _h_o_p_s_.
Turn on and off Renaldo Recuerdo's _h_o_p_.
Turn on and off Jong's _h_o_p_.
Turn on and off Barry Martin's sine _h_o_p_.
Turn on and off disconnected pen movement in _k_a_l_e_i_d_.
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 21
Turn on and off sequential allocation of colors in
Turn on and off alternate rotated display mode
Turn on and off quad mirrored/rotated mode similar to
size 4 in _k_a_l_e_i_d_.
Turn on and off oct mirrored/rotated mode similar to
size 8 in _k_a_l_e_i_d_.
Turn on and off Cartesian/Polar coordinate mode in
--rruullee _S_<_n_e_i_g_h_b_o_r_h_o_o_d_>_/_B_<_n_e_i_g_h_b_o_r_h_o_o_d_>
Allows one to set _l_i_f_e survival and birth parameters.
For example, Conway's rule is S23/B3. Special param¡
eters: P, picks a random rule from all rules that
have known patterns; G, picks a random rule from all
rules that have known gliders.
--lliiffeeffiillee _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e
The _l_i_f_e_f_i_l_e option sets the lifeform. Only one for¡
mat is currently supported, the #P xlife format.
Turn on and off Paul Callahan's S2b34/B2a hexagonal
Turn on and off Bob Andreen's S2a2b4a/B2a3a4b hexago¡
nal _l_i_f_e_.
Turn on and off totalistic rules for _l_i_f_e_1_d_. If this
is off then it follows rules of the LCAU collection.
These rules may not be symmetric and are more gen¡
--rruullee33dd _S_<_n_e_i_g_h_b_o_r_h_o_o_d_>_/_B_<_n_e_i_g_h_b_o_r_h_o_o_d_>
Allows one to set _l_i_f_e_3_d survival and birth parame¡
ters. For example, Bay's rules are S45/B5, S567/B6
S56/B5, and S67/B67. There is currently no way of
accessing neighborhoods beyond 9. Special parame¡
ters: P, picks a random rule from all rules that have
known patterns; G, picks a random rule from all rules
that have known gliders.
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 22
--lliiffee33ddffiillee _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e
The _l_i_f_e_3_d_f_i_l_e option sets the lifeform. Only one
format is currently supported, similar to the #P
xlife format. 2 linefeeds in a row are assumed to
advance the depth.
Turn on and off additive functions mode in _l_i_s_a_.
Turn on and off lines for _p_e_n_r_o_s_e_.
--iinnccrreemmeenntt _v_a_l_u_e
Allows fine adjustments to order in _m_a_n_d_e_l_b_r_o_t_.
Turn on and off erasing for _s_p_l_i_n_e_. If this option
is on, _c_y_c_l_e_s is divided by 64 to compute the number
of lines, so as to be compatible when using -fullran¡
--ffaaccttoorryy _n_u_m
Number of extra factory parts in _p_i_p_e_s_.
Turn on if you want a zoomed-in view of _p_i_p_e_s_.
Turn on if you want the _p_i_p_e_s to bend more often.
Turn on if you want the pipe system rotated in _p_i_p_e_s_.
Turn on or off complete graph morphing in _q_i_x_.
Turn on or off hidden shuffle phase for _r_u_b_i_k_.
Turn on or off borders in _s_h_a_p_e_.
Turn on or off shadowing in _s_h_a_p_e_.
Turn on or off stippling in _s_h_a_p_e_.
--ttrreekk _n_u_m
If its a high number you will see the space ship all
the time in _s_t_a_r_.
Turn on and off rocks for _s_t_a_r_. If this is off,
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 23
stars will be seen instead.
Turn on if _s_t_a_r gets you motion sick.
--ccyycclleeppeeeedd _n_u_m
Set speed of cycling in _s_t_a_r_f_i_s_h_.
--rroottaattiioonn _n_u_m
Set rotation velocity in _s_t_a_r_f_i_s_h_.
--tthhiicckknneessss _n_u_m
Set thickness in _s_t_a_r_f_i_s_h_.
Turn on and off cycle for _s_t_a_r_f_i_s_h_.
Turn on and off blob for _s_t_a_r_f_i_s_h_.
--ssppiinnssppeeeedd _n_u_m
Set speed of rotation, in degrees per frame for
--dduurraattiioonn _s_e_c_o_n_d_s
Allows one to set a duration for a mode in _r_a_n_d_o_m_.
Duration of 0 is defined as infinite.
--mmooddeelliisstt _t_e_x_t_s_t_r_i_n_g
Allows one to pass a list of files to randomly dis¡
play to _r_a_n_d_o_m_. "all" will get all files but blank
(and bomb if compiled in). "all,blank" will get all
modes. "all,-image bounce,+blank" will get all modes
but image and bounce. "bug wator" will get only bug
and wator. "allgl" will get only the GL modes if
compiled in, all-allgl will get all but the GL modes,
"allnice" will weed out high cpu usage modes (as well
as hackers and gl modes). "allxpm" will get all
modes that use xpm. "allwrite" will get all modes
that take advantage of writable colormaps (not
including xpm). "all3d" will get all the modes that
support this option. "allmouse" will get all the
modes that support mouse interaction. Similarly,
"allautomata" for automata modes, "allfractal" for
fractal modes, "allgeometry" for geometry modes,
"allspace" for space modes. The random mode itself
can not be referenced.
Turn on non-random _r_a_n_d_o_m option.
xxlloocckk can appear to hang if it is competing with a high-
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 24
priority process for the CPU. For example, if xxlloocckk is
started after a process with 'nice -20' (high priority),
xxlloocckk will take considerable amount of time to respond.
If the machine is using a shadow password system, then
xxlloocckk may not be set up to get the real password and so
must be given one of its own. This can be either on the
command line, via the --ccppaasssswwdd option, or in the file
$$HHOOMMEE//..xxlloocckkrrcc, with the first taking precedence. In both
cases an encrypted password is expected (see makekey(8)).
If neither is given, then xxlloocckk will prompt for a password
and will use that, also storing an encrypted version of it
in $$HHOOMMEE//..xxlloocckkrrcc for future use.
"kill -KILL xxlloocckk " causes the server that was locked to
be unusable, since all hosts (including localhost) were
removed from the access control list to lock out new X
clients, and since xxlloocckk could not catch SIGKILL, it ter¡
minated before restoring the access control list. This
will leave the X server in a state where _"_y_o_u _c_a_n _n_o
_l_o_n_g_e_r _c_o_n_n_e_c_t _t_o _t_h_a_t _s_e_r_v_e_r_, _a_n_d _t_h_i_s _o_p_e_r_a_t_i_o_n _c_a_n_n_o_t
_b_e _r_e_v_e_r_s_e_d _u_n_l_e_s_s _y_o_u _r_e_s_e_t _t_h_e _s_e_r_v_e_r_._" -From
the X11R4 Xlib Documentation, Chapter 7.
NCD terminals do not allow xlock to remove all the hosts
from the access control list. Therefore you will need to
use the "-remote" and "-allowaccess" switches. If you
happen to run without "-allowaccess" on an NCD terminal,
xxlloocckk will not work and you will need to reboot the termi¡
nal, or simply go into the SETUP menus, under 'Network
Parameters', and turn off TCP/IP access control.
X(1), Xlib Documentation.
Maintained by:
David Albert Bagley, <_b_a_g_l_e_y_d_@_b_i_g_f_o_o_t_._c_o_m>
The latest version is currently at:
Original Author:
Patrick J. Naughton, <_n_a_u_g_h_t_o_n_@_e_n_g_._s_u_n_._c_o_m>
Mailstop 21-14
Sun Microsystems Laboratories, Inc.
Mountain View, CA 94043
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 25
with many additional contributors.
Copyright (C) 1988-91 by Patrick J. Naughton
Copyright (C) 1993-98 by David A. Bagley
Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this soft¡
ware and its documentation for any purpose and without fee
is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright
notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
The original BSD daemon is Copyright (C) 1988 Marshall
Kirk McKusick. All Rights Reserved.
DEC, HP, IBM, Linux, SCO, SGI, and Sun icons have their
respective copyrights.
2 X11R6 Contrib 18 Jun 1998 26